Water chestnuts can be enjoyed raw or cooked and are an excellent addition to dishes such as stir fry, chop suey, salads and omelets, to name a few. First of all, it should be clarified that unlike what the name suggests, water chestnuts or singhara, are not nuts at all; they are sane (pun intended!). Water chestnuts are tuberous vegetables that are often found in marshes, ponds, paddy fields and shallow lakes. And yes, they are indeed good for your gut health! Water chestnuts can add a lot of value in maintaining your gut health. So, there you have it!
Water chestnuts are high in fiber and can be a great addition to your diet. Singhara prevents constipation and promotes healthy bowel movements. They help to bulk out your stool, making it easier to pass. Prebiotics are non-digestible substances contained in food that nurture healthy microbes in the gut, and water chestnuts contain plenty of fiber, which serves as an excellent prebiotic.
Bacteria in the gut digest the fiber content in singharas, forming short-chain fatty acids beneficial to gut health. As a result, people seeking to control their weight can benefit as it aids in gut health. The fiber content in them is advantageous to those trying to manage their weight because it gives a sensation of fullness without increasing calorie intake. Good way of filling yourself without adding any calories
Food That Is Low In FODMAP
FODMAP is an abbreviation of fermentable oligpsaccharides, disaccharides, monosaccharides and polyols. These are types of sugars that the small intestine absorbs poorly. Simple sugars are very much fermentable foods and so are foods with sugar alcohol since they tend to have a calming effect on the digestive tract.
Processed foods containing high fructose corn syrup (HFCS), Sorbitol and other artificial fruit juices, honey, jam, and packaged humus are examples of bad foods that have high FODMAPS. These types of food can cause digestive issues some with bowel issues like irritable bowel syndrome(IBS) and that can be very bad for the human gut.
If you suffer from fermentable foods, there are low fermentable options such as water chestnuts that are good in gut health.
Meals That Are Treasure For Your Gut
Nutritionists identify some foods that can benefit gut health. A few of these are:
Foods That Are High In Fiber
These foods also aid greatly in gut health, so try to add the following to your diet plan:
- Black Beans and Chickpeas
- Whole Grains
- Broccoli and asparagus
- Almonds and pistachios
Garlic too is a good source of antioxidants and simultaneously enables an increase in gut microbiota, which benefits your health on a broader scale.
Foods That Are Fermented
This are fermented foods that are a good source of probiotics. Be sure to eat lots of:
- Kimchi
- Yoghurt or Dahi
- Kefir
- Sauerkraut
- Tempeh
Chestnut Benefits
Water chestnuts, as of now, have amazing benefits for your gut health. But here’s the good news: This healthy food has even more great benefits. boiling water chestnut Singharas is rich with higher levels of antioxidants which protects the body from diseases. So, if high blood pressure is something you worry about frequently, stop. They may also contribute towards blood pressure supervision and heart disease prevention.
It is also an excellent food for controlling your weight since it facilitates weight loss by making you feel satiated longer with fewer calories consumed. Besides all this, water chestnuts might lower the risk of oxidative stress and cancer growth.