
Navjot Kaur Sidhu, wife of senior Punjab Congress leader and judge of many comedy shows, Navjot Singh Sidhu, has recently defeated stage 4 cancer. Let us tell you that Navjot Kaur Sidhu was diagnosed with stage 4 breast cancer. For the treatment of which she took the help of Ayurveda. Yes, this was revealed by Navjot Singh Sidhu himself in a press conference yesterday evening. He said that his wife had now been declared completely cancer-free by the doctors. Let us know how was her fight against cancer and with the help of what she got victory in this serious battle.

The doctors had given up hope.

According to Navjot Singh Sidhu, his wife Navjot Kaur Sidhu was diagnosed with stage 4 breast cancer about 2 years ago. After which the doctors had said that her chances of survival were only 3%. Addressing the press conference, Navjot Singh Sidhu said that despite such low chances, we defeated this deadly disease. Because we followed a very disciplined lifestyle and adopted a strict diet plan.

If Navjot Singh Sidhu is to be believed, his wife has also resorted to intermittent fasting in this battle against cancer. In which she was given the last meal of the day between 6-7 in the evening. After which she was given something to eat again at 10 o'clock the next day. This 16-hour gap between meals proves to be very helpful in eliminating cancer cells.

These things were included in the diet.

Sidhu said that during the treatment of cancer, his wife followed a strict diet. She used to start her day with 1 glass of lemon water every day. After this, she used to eat 10-12 neem leaves. During this time, she also made raw turmeric, apple, and lemon vinegar, and basil a part of her diet.

Avoided these things

Navjot Singh Sidhu said that while following this diet, things like sugar, bread, or anything made of flour, refined oil, etc. were completely removed from Navjot Kaur Sidhu's diet. According to Sidhu, all these things together helped his wife a lot in getting out of this deadly disease.