
Dengue has once again started showing its terrible form in the country's capital Delhi. Due to this, the number of infected people has increased to more than 2100 to date. Long queues of patients are being seen in all the hospitals. According to government figures, the first case of death due to dengue was reported in the month of September. But recently, cases of death of 2 more people due to dengue have been reported from 2 big hospitals in Delhi. Today we are going to tell you easy ways to avoid a dangerous disease like dengue.

So many people lost their lives.

Dengue is wreaking havoc on people like death, due to which there is an atmosphere of fear among people. If we believe the weekly report of MCD in the country's capital Delhi, then a total of 3 people have lost their lives due to dengue this year. Whereas last year 19 people died due to this virus. Along with this, if we believe the report, a total of 485 new cases were reported in the capital last week.

Malaria and Chikungunya also raised concerns

This year, a sharp increase is being seen in the number of total cases of malaria and chikungunya. This year's cases have even crossed last year's cases. Till. On October 5, a total of 511 cases of malaria and 69 cases of chikungunya were registered this year. Whereas last year the number of cases of these diseases was 426 and 65 respectively.

Preventive measures against dengue and malaria

  1. Do not allow mosquitoes to breed around you, for this prevents waterlogging and maintains cleanliness.
  2. Use mosquito repellent, which you can apply on your clothes and hands, and feet.
  3. Use mosquito net and mosquito coil while sleeping at night.
  4. Wear full sleeve clothes, especially when going out of the house in the evening.
  5. Take a healthy diet to boost your immunity this season.