
Vegetables To Increase Eyesight: In today's time, from children to adults, weak eyesight has become a common problem. In the digital age where mobile, computer and TV are being used excessively, poor lifestyle and lack of nutrition in the diet are also increasing this problem. Spending time in front of the screen continuously not only increases the pressure on the eyes, but also increases the risk of eye diseases. In such a situation, it becomes very important that we take care of our eye health. The solution to this problem is hidden in your kitchen itself. Some special vegetables can be effective in improving your eyesight and preventing eye problems. Let's know about 5 such vegetables, which can prove to be a boon for your eye health.

Eat these 5 vegetables to increase eyesight - Vegetables To Increase Eyesight


Carrots are rich in beta-carotene, which protects the eyes from infections and keeps them hydrated. It relieves dry eyes and difficulties in seeing at night. One small cup of carrots can be eaten daily, raw or cooked.


Colourful capsicum, especially the red one, is an excellent source of vitamin C. It strengthens the blood vessels of the eyes and reduces the risk of cataracts. You can eat half a cup of raw capsicum in salad, sandwich or as a snack.

Sweet Potato

Sweet potatoes are an excellent source of beta-carotene, which is converted into vitamin A in the body after digestion. This vitamin is essential for maintaining corneal health and improving night vision. You can eat a medium-sized sweet potato by baking or steaming it. It can be a healthy and delicious snack.


Spinach is rich in antioxidants like lutein and zeaxanthin, which protect your eyes from the harmful rays of the sun and the blue light emitted by screens. It helps prevent macular degeneration and cataracts. You can include it in your diet in the form of soup, smoothie or stir-fry. You can eat one cup of cooked spinach daily.


Broccoli is rich in vitamin C and antioxidants, which keep the retina healthy and reduce oxidative stress. Eat half a cup of broccoli three to four times a week. Eat it mixed with other vegetables.
