All set to set his name in the industry alongside Akshay Kumar and Sara Ali Khan, Veer Pahariya is making his debut with Sky Force. The character that he plays, Squadron Leader Ajjamada Boppayya Devayya has a love story with Sara, his off-screen girlfriend in Sky Force. While speaking to Zoom about working with Sara, he commented on their chemistry specifically in terms of how simple it is to work with her when she is in a 'good friend' mode.
Veer’s feelings about Sara Ali as a working partner.
She is very deep and in that sense, very committed, remarked Veer Pahariya to us, explaining how his work with her was, ‘It was quite simple, it was quite taken in its natural form. We were given a bit of direction by the choreographer and the director, and then we just did it. It wasn’t anything complex,’ he said in Hindi, bursting into a smile.
Since the teaser emerged, the excitement regarding Sara and Veer have been through the roof and now with the third song Rang released the hype has become even larger. This upbeat party song is already becoming a seller. It stars Akshay, Veer, Nimrat Kaur and Sara Ali Khan. Sky Force, which revolves around the Indian Air Force has an interesting score and Rang is the 3rd after two songs which we would consider to be intense and romantic types titled ‘Kya Meri Yaad Aati Hai’.
Akshay posted a short clip on Instagram with a caption that read “Grab the dance anthem of Sky Force and join the party, which is all about feet tapping and hearts racing”.
Furthermore, the pair had maintained a mutual understanding regarding their relationship until Sara confirmed during a Filmfare interview in 2019 that she used to date Veer Pahariya in the past. “I dated him, He is the only one I have dated. I do not have any other boys in my life,” The Simbaa Actress claimed.
As for the film’s narrative, content, and graphics, it is directed by Sandeep Kewlani together with Abhishek Kapur, while Dinesh Vijan, Jyoti Deshpande and Amar Kaushik are serving as producers. This particular film portrays India’s Defense Force response to the attack on Sargodha.”