
Brain Stroke Causes in Hindi: Brain stroke is emerging as the third biggest reason for the total deaths in the world. This is such a problem of the brain that can prove to be fatal for you. Brain stroke has emerged as a new threat among the diseases spreading rapidly. You can know its seriousness from the fact that it proves to be fatal for you. According to a recent health report in the Lancet, a shocking claim has been made regarding brain stroke. According to the revelations in this research, the risk of brain stroke is also increasing due to increasing pollution in the air around us. The report shows that the effect of pollution in the air is similar to smoking on the body. Air pollution reaching the body through breathing can become a major cause of brain stroke. Due to this, there has been an increase of up to 14% in cases of brain stroke. Let us know about it in detail.

Where was the research done on brain stroke?

Apart from India, a team of scientists from America, New Zealand, and UAE participated in the Lancet research. After the research done by the team, a report has been prepared which states that small solid and liquid particles present in the air which are the main part of air pollution are increasing the risk of brain stroke for us. Due to this, blood pressure and many types of health problems are also increasing. Talking about the deaths caused by this, in the last three decades, there has been a huge increase in cases of brain stroke worldwide.

Brain stroke became the cause of death

Research has claimed that brain stroke has emerged as the third biggest threat in total deaths worldwide. Its speed of spread is similar to that of coronavirus. To avoid this, doctors advise people to relieve stress and avoid pollution. Apart from this, not smoking is also a way to prevent it.